Circus and Puppet themed Life Drawing

Here are some of my sketches from the two nights, they were too large to scan so had to take photos of them. Next time I hope to add colour.

This blog is to show artwork, sketches, sewing anything that’s outside of my day to day work as an animator and designer. To view my official work website please visit
Here are some of my sketches from the two nights, they were too large to scan so had to take photos of them. Next time I hope to add colour.
I added part of a Kipling poem 'A Three Part Song' to run along the contours and layers of the hill.
I wanted the season to be the start of spring, where everything is turning green yet some trees are still bare – to show the branches interesting pattern in the trees.
I thought a little Waxwing would complement the vibrant reds of the cyclists and the yellow Rape Seed Oil fields.
Labels: tea cosy sewing
During my Animator’s Residency with West Dunbartonshire Libraries and the Scottish Arts Council in 2006, I was involved in creating Visual Tales (vis-ta) workshops for children with an illustrator, Michael Amato, and writer, Richard Penny. I was also given time to create my own work – I started developing and researching a short film, ‘Elephant & Castle’. All the Drawings below show my concepts and research for this idea: